Get Published
Beautiful Publications is not accepting manuscripts at this time; however, there are two books available for purchase that will help you get published:
- Turn Your Story Into A Beautiful Publication – A Workbook Designed To Help You Put Your Story On Paper.
- How To Read HTML Code For E-Books.
If you still wish to send a Query Letter, please include the following:
- Name
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Introduction paragraph about your book including total number of words.
- Writing experience (if any).
- About the author (is this your first book, etc.)
- Your first chapter.
Please send your Query Letters to:
Submissions Department
Beautiful Publications LLC
1345 Barnum Avenue #9
Suite 115
Stratford, CT 06614
If you would like a written response to an unsolicited Query Letter, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.